Sorry about the delay on the mixtape... Had some last minute features and drops come in for the mixtape, and we had to get them on there! The mixtape WILL be free 4 download TONIGHT!!! ANNNND This the cover people!! What you think about it?
In the mean time check, Fake Shore Drive, for the EXCLUSIVE on the CRRRRRAZY NEW TRACK featuring Naledge, Mic Terror, & Mickey Factz.
or DOWNLOAD HERE : "Next Up" feat. Naledge, Mic Terror, and Mickey Factz.
If you don't know anything about these three features here is a little run down...
1. Naledge - One half of the dynamic duo, Kidz in the Hall... an amazing lyricist, and has a canning ability to destroy any beat. Chicago STAND UP!!! (Chip was also featured on Kidz in the Hall new album entitled, "The In Crowd" AVAILABLE ON ITUNES!
2. Mic Terror - A Chicago emcee, fairly new to the game, but PUTTIN' IN WORK on the Chicago Hip Hop Scene. Considered a part of "The Movement", a talented pool of artists out of Chicago, sometimes labeled as a "Hipster"... which I hate the fact that we must put a label on EVERYTHING, and has a unique and personal style that he can truly call his own. Heard him destroy tracks on some REAL HIP HOP SHIT TOO! Don't Sleep... Another STRONG Chicago emcee on his way to the TOP!
3. Mickey Factz - A Bronx, NY native, also fairly new to the game, but really making a name for himself with publications from XXL, Giant Magazine, SPIN Magazine, Vibe, URB, ect. JUST in 2008. He also has a hit song that made its way on TV for a short time featuring another great talent from Chicago, The Cool Kids. VIDEO: "Rockin N Rollin Remix" - feat. The Cool Kids
Not enough can be said about the talent and future that Mickey has in front of him, I truly believe that he could be one of the NEW ARTISTS that brings NYC out of this terrible slump they have been in!
Hey so how do we go about getting the mixtape tonight?
its will be posted on HERE (slabup.com) or you can go to www.djev.com and sign up to have it emailed!!
expected time?
i been waitin on this drop since i heard MONEY please dont make me wait no more.
i mean...wut is really good? can i...i mean should i come back tomorrow? or what? do ya'll be smokin maad trees or u jus being silly ?
yo it is ll:38 you have 22 minutes to produce chip in my ears, or your just going to let everyone down again
you know i hope with all this last minute shit you have some fire on that tape
This is gettin rediculous.
I thought it was supposed to drop the 24th? What up with the 3 day delay? Cmon slabup don't let us down nowww. I'm a big fan of Chip, i'm down here in texas, everyone loves tha dude here, i try to get his music out as much as possible...hit us up with some bonus unreleased shit or somethinnnnnnnnn damn
Yall ice skatin slippn man!!!!!!4real
e-v iz a bum.
E-V man 4get dem please i need some new shit on da ipod where it at
its uploading right now. 98MB
next we i will drop 2 other mix tape
"i run cle vol.2 club version"
and Leak Jones....
also i love how everyone says its late cause of me...ha ha
someone posted this on another topic
"i'll be late fo' that!"
-dj e-v via k.west
that kanye line is my fav..
lol that was me maan...but i'm foreal just clownin and wanna hear this tape
ok thanks "Anonymous said..."
lol you can type ur name in or a fake one... like tom cruise
i thought you had to be a subscriber to post a name oh well funny guy wuts good with this mixtape? you got my email?
ya im gonna email it... 1st.
then it will be the blog later..
absolutely topped my night off. glad i waited up.
Ladies and Gentlemen!!!
Twist your Trees
Break out them Memorex Cd-R's
And Lets Get To Kappin!!!
potato wut is u sayin' boi? u got the cd? cuz i still do not.
no im just stoned and over exciteable. my bad
Man i got skoo n da mornin Mr.V i appreciate da free mixtape i really do
how long does it usually take to upload something that size. maybe 45 minutes??
it would take me less than five minutes, and i'm not special. maybe the bulk email takes a min to set up?
normal 40min-1hr
4min left.. lol
then the email
is it done
i'd say about 5 more minutes till you get an e-mail
good lookin ev
man is this comin out or what?
ive got it
ive got it
go dj
Got mine. Damn took long enough lol! But thanks!
this is outa control!
good mixtape and ive only listened to like 10 tracks lol
lol 43 posts on the blogspot, i know kev's excited.....n/e ways good mixtape overall i was suprised to see chip go in a more "hip hop" direction on alotta cuts on hear...not that it aint all hip hop, but u know, more hip hopidy than usual on some tracks which is cool but diff.....i was hoping to hear more from ray scrilla on this one too, what is good w/ ray? any new music to be on the look out for? g/l in advance
ray has been working on stuff, something will be out soon.
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