Friday, November 14, 2008

Ruby Hornet TV: Chip Tha Ripper Welcome To Chicago

via. Ruby Hornet.

We're pleased to unveil our latest original series, "Welcome To Chicago". This series features out of town artists getting hip to the Windy City via our own artistic tour guides. The jump off episodes features Cleveland's Chip Tha Ripper getting a crash course on Harold's Chicken, Chicago boutiques, as well as SoundScape Studios from none other than Naledge of Kidz In The Hall. Check it out, and watch for more to come.

**Thanks to Alex @ Ruby Hornet.**



Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...

for sure!
that was def a fun ass day...

got chip a show in Chicago the day after Christmas... with the Kidz, this group called U-N-I outa Cali, and Mic Terror!

Gona be sweet!

The Mayor said...

gotta love that the sand man made it into the video to hahaha

Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...


Jenny Pooh said...

AAAaaww shit...they given Chip da Key 2 CHi-Town...Whoa!

CHIPthaRIPPER said...
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