we’re back for the LAST TIME THIS SEASON! shout out to reading.
VERY IMPORTANT: in order for me to continue bringing these episodes to you, i’ll be needing some help. JUST CLICK THE ADVERTISEMENT ON THE TOP OF THE PAGE!!! THE "MOG" ADS! CLICK THEM and let them LOAD!!! THAT’S ALL I ASK! PLEASE! THANK YOU!
i’ll say it again, since you may have just skipped that bold headline above. this is all i ask this week.
- check out other parts of the site, and comment if the mood strikes you.
- PLEASE CLICK ON THAT AD AT THE TOP OF THE BLOG! FOR REAL. check that ad out real quick, soak it all in when you’re there. and browse the blog while you’re waiting for the episode to finish DL’ing, you know? i’d really appreciate that. a lot. if i don’t see enough people clicking, i’m taking the download down! so don’t make it hell for the next person, please!
that’s all, guys. thanks for the support.
DOWNLOAD: entourage - season 5, episode 12!!!!! (THE GRAND FINALE!)
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