Monday, December 8, 2008

To All the iPhone Haters: iPhone grabs 30% of U.S. smartphone market

via. CNN.

Apple’s iPhone is the star in a series of charts published Tuesday by Needham & Co. analyst Charles Wolf.

The first is a quarter-by-quarter snapshot of the worldwide smartphone market that shows a sharp uptick in Apple’s (AAPL) share set against the downward drift of its major competitors — Nokia’s (NOK) Symbian, RIM’s (RIMM) BlackBerry and Microsoft’s (MSFT) Windows Mobile.

The second chart shows the same data without Symbian — which lets you zero in on the competition between the iPhone, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile. In this chart, the rise in Apple’s market share after the July release of the iPhone 3G looks positively meteoric.

The third chart shows the battle for the U.S. smartphone market, which is shaping up as a two-way race with the iPhone closing in on BlackBerry and Palm (PALM) and Microsoft Windows falling ever further behind. Note that Apple more than tripled its market share in the third quarter to grab 30% of the domestic smartphone business, while RIM lost considerable momentum and most of its lead. According to Wolf, the seven million iPhones Apple shipped in the September quarter accounted for all the growth in smartphone shipments that quarter — and then some. See AppleInsider here.


The Mayor said...

LAME, keep rockin the blackberry!!!!!!!

Scott Berlin said...

Your just mad that you dont have the iphone, cuz you know you would love it mr mayor.

Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...


hes jus hatin

DJ E-V said...


Scott Berlin said...

ooo get mad destructive dan, pizza pan dan, dan dan bigelow dan!

The Mayor said...

its actually destruct-o dan, get it right or pay the price

Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...

hahaha this is the greatest post of all! The most comments yet!

Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...


I AGREE... I NEED a "iBlackBerry"