Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gowhere Hip Hop Launches Online Music Industry Program

via. GWHH.

**Congrats to Tibs & Max for this amazing opportunity!**

Gowhere Hip Hop Launches Online Music Industry Program
Feburary 10, 2009

Gowhere Hip Hop (GWHH) announces the formal public offering of an “Online Music Industry Program” in a partnership with Music Industry Educators (MIE). GWHH is now a platform for aspiring music industry professionals to enroll in professional level courses that will aid them to achieve their future goal as an artist, producer, songwriter, audio engineer/technician, music industry entrepreneur and any other related occupation. As the business of music continues to move online, GWHH is taking a leadership role in educating the next generation of music industry professionals. GWHH & MIE’s Music Industry faculty include award winning songwriters, engineers, managers, producers, artists, publishers, and music business entrepreneurs from across the country.


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