Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4/20 in Boulder, Colorado

An enterprising young reporter turns his microphone into a “doobie” on 4/20 and gets the inside dope on one of the biggest national celebrations of the global high holiday.

The Daily Camera man has a little lighthearted fun at the expense of the stoners gathered at the University of Colorado, but the last laugh is on the reporter as the good times keep rolling!


Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...

yeah def good stuff

Anonymous said...

Im mad that the people in the interview didn't even know what for 4/20 signifies or a legitimate reason to why they were smoking.

4/20 is suppose to represent the birth of Bob Marley being that he is the godfather of weed.

Kev - S.L.A.B. ENT. said...
