TAMPA - Cleveland Cavaliers guard Tarence Kinsey Jr. has been charged with driving under the influence, Tampa police told tbo.com (Tampa Bay Online).
Kinsey, a high school standout at Tampa's Jefferson High School, was arrested at 3:38 a.m. this morning while driving 70 mph in a 55 mph zone in his 2005 Bentley, according to the report.
Kinsey joined the Cavs as a free agent in August 2008. In 50 regular season games this season, he averaged 2 points per game. He has a $995,000 non-guaranteed contract with the Cavs for the 2009-10 season.
typical fashion for an up and commer playing on a cleveland team
up and coming?
come on now dan...
we dont got time to watch this dude develope. we need instant results.
dude does look way too much like chapelle, haha
hahahahaha i kno right?
and yes... we always have some bullshit goin on!
torrence kinsey looks more like black milk if you ask me
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