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QUESTION: How does everyone like the track "Hyyer" featuring Chip on Kid Cudi's new album Man on the Moon: The End of Day??? (out Sept.15th!!!)
The Official Chip Tha Ripper Blog
I think that song finna make chip famous hahaha
shits coldddddddddd
Its GREAT!!! Reminiscent of Classic Bone Thugs! Cant wait for the collabo album.
I think it is the best track on the Album...so far from what I heard
Hottest song on the albumn!!!! for sure
kid cudis verse is whack as hell... chip snapped hard tho do the do lil chipper the ripper
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Its alright sounds pretty generic tho...cudi's verse is awkward but chips is not bad
these ppl obvisiously dont smoke the song never gets old thats most important
have to agree with the comment above.
Ok so I'm a big fan of Chip and Cudi. (Die hard Cudi Fan) but look, Chip could've brought it a bit harder.
Chip could have went harder on it I believe. It was great if you were already a fan of him, but he needed something that stood out enough to make people who never heard of him check him out other than on the song. Something like Nas on Verbal Intercourse.
i like chip goes hard n his singin is actually on point...i like cudi verse too. just a question for kev tho...you post a lot of new tracks from various artists and somewhere along the way you forgot about RAY CASH! What happend? did slab and ray have a falling out or something? cuz hes dropped like 8 new tracks in the past month via his twitter n you showin no love at all. JW cuz ray reps cleveland to the fullest n hes a doper mc than chip and cudi in the eyes of many.
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